Friday, 6 December 2013

How Do 3D Glasses Work?

         How do 3D Glasses Work?

           1.    Summarize the article in 3 sentences?

The reason we wear 3D glasses is because we can’t see

Special effects with our own eyes so we need 3D glasses.

2.    What does ‘correlator’ in your brain do?

The Correlator in our brain helps it to pick out objects in two scenes

And calculate how far apart an object is.

3.    Why do our red/blue glasses make our Photoshop image appear to be 3d?

Red/blue glasses make our Photoshop appear because the Correlator can pick out objects in the 2 scenes it sees and calculate how far apart an object is between the 2 images.  

4.    True or false, a person who has sight in only one eye can see 3D through blue/red glasses. Explain your answer

False, I think a person who has sight in only one eye cannot see through 3D glasses because we need two eyes one for the red part and the other eye for blue part and if you can’t see from  one you are not able to do what a 3D glasses are for.

5.    List a pro and cons for red/blue 3D glasses and polarized 3D glasses

Pros of Red/Blue glasses: it works on the ordinary TV screen

Cons of Red/Blue glasses: the image quality is not as good as polarized because you can’t see a colored movie.

Pros of polarized glasses: they allow color view

Cons of polarized glasses: can’t work on the ordinary screen.

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